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認識我們:"2008年開幕的FREE EAST,結合台灣美術先驅-李梅樹、畫虎名家-林玉山、水墨頑童-袁金塔以及水墨大師-黃光男等大師級典藏作品,以鮮活的形象呈
認識我們:"~台灣製造的有機時尚服飾品牌~ FREE LAND運用純天然的有機棉,希望藉著時尚的力量,齊聲呼籲環保也可以很時尚的新潮流。 當巴黎時裝伸展台的
NGR Inc.® has been focusing on the development of a semiconductor verification tool based on a totally new concept since the foundation of the company in July 2000. NGR Inc. is committed to innovation for semiconductor equipment to address the metrology and inspection needs of the 65nm and 45nm manufacturing nodes. Since its inception, NGR has focused its initial effort on the development of a die-to-database platform to address OPC and mask verification. This initial effort has yielded the introduction of the NGR®2100 2D metrology tool, which was introduced at the 2005 SPIE conference and received rave reviews for it’s innovative approach to the industries core problems as we address the next generation manufacturing requirements. The NGR 2100 is a SEM based platform that features a new industry standard for its large distortion free FOV, stitch and butt stage and image acquisition, and high speed/high accuracy 2D feature analysis. The tool is uniquely positioned to allow direct feedback into the EDA environment for OPC and model verification.
本公司為代理日系知名品牌內衣on street基隆店,位於基隆最熱鬧的廟口夜市旁,預計以全新面貌展現,邀請具有熱情的你一起加入我們的行列!
五行圖書出版有限公司創立於1993年,主要出版藝術生活化叢書,和普洱壺藝雜誌、陶藝雜誌、壺藝雜誌、《The Art of Tea》等四本季刊,是全球華文出版界續優廠商之一。 Wushing Books Publication Company Limited was established in 1993. Being one of the famous publication organizations in the Chinese community, we focus on making art to become a part of our life. We are honored to present our series of magazines, Puerh Tea-pot (Chinese), Ceramic Art (Chinese), Art of Making Teapot (Chinese) and The Art of Tea (English), to you.
優百科國際有限公司成立於1998年10月主要是以銷售幼兒、兒童、國中英語為主之專業書店;目前已為上百家國小、幼稚園、兒童英語補習班、安親班提供國內外兒童英語教材之諮詢與銷售。同時也為全美語幼稚園、全美語國小進口上百本Big Book(大書)及數學、自然、社會等科目之美國當地國小教材,還有數百本不同種類的幼稚園及兒童英語最新教學補充參考書以及最新的幼兒及兒童英語讀本、圖書館英語藏書。 成為您最好的學習選擇(Your BEST Choice)是優百科的努力目標。也祝福我們下一代將能享有優質生活,探索萬象百科。 Ur BEST International was established in 1998 to serve the needs of elementary English educational institutions. We now provide English educational materials to over 1000 establishments worldwide. We offer a wide variety of titles imported from the United States that are used in first-language environments with subjects including language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. We also offer hundreds of kindergarten and primary supplementary reference books as well as a library of English readers and teaching materials. Ur BEST strives to be the best choice on the market for quality English educational materials for children.
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Yuan Wen Sing Industries Corp. was estableished in 1975 as a manufacturer of bicycle accessories, including bells, locks, kickstands, handle bar lugs, indicator chain for Torpedo F&S speed hub or sturmey-Archer speed hub, various pressed products and motorcycle locks. To safeguard quality, bells have to undertake more then 30,000 rings, locks must pass more then 5,000 times of locking and unlocking test. We insist on R&D as well as automatic production to guarantee high-end products to feed back our major customers in all of countries. In order to provide best quality products to our customers, we have adopted precise & advanced facilities and renovate them timely. The equipment we currently use are as the table at right. We guarantee best quality at competitive price. Please feel free to contact us. Your answer is just a phone call or an e-mail away.
Alumix founded on 2007. Our team have long experience on the PCB field. Most key members are have over 10 to 20 years on PCB Fab. We also experience on various kinds of Manufacturing ( PCB, MCPCB, PBGA, High Power, Flex and Rigid boards, HDI, Blind Burried). Our team provide total solution (From CAM design to finishing good) with one stop. Our quality policy is (Quality, Efficiency, Service), We can cooperate to develop new design and products. Our Fab will follow market trend to adjusting our step. Support Customer’s products can time to market. We can support Customer requesting lead time for Samples and Mass products on quick turn.Normal products will be follow normal process flow lead time. Alumix certified ISO9001:2008, RoHS compliance and Halogen Free products. Alumix provide Customer with competitive price and let both growth and success on the market.
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